Gov. Pritzker Announces $41 Billion Multi-Year Plan, Largest in State History
New MYP includes projects in all 102 counties continuing the historic reach of Rebuild Illinois
June 14, 2024

MCCOOK- Today, Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Transportation joined state and local officials to announce the largest multi-year program to build and repair infrastructure in state history: $41.42 billion over six years, spread across all modes of transportation and touching every Illinois county. The new program eclipses the previous record set last year and continues the momentum of the governor’s historic, bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital program. The program aims to modernize our transportation system and create economic opportunity while improving safety, mobility, and quality of life throughout the state.
“Rebuild Illinois has been among my highest priorities since I became governor, after years of neglect and disinvestment that held back our state’s growth,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Over the next six years – stretching all the way to FY 2030 – we will continue making historic investments into improving every aspect of our infrastructure and in every part of our state. This plan is guiding the build-out of a world-class transportation system that all of Illinois deserves, and we are creating hundreds of thousands of quality jobs while doing it.”
"By investing in our roads, bridges, public transit, and ports, we are unlocking opportunities, connecting residents to jobs and essential services, and building a stronger future for our state," said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. "This plan puts the needs of Illinoisans at the forefront, ensuring that every corner of Illinois will benefit from these transformative investments for generations to come."
Building on previous Pritzker Administration efforts, IDOT’s new multi-year program is both comprehensive and multimodal, with investments in roads and bridges, aviation, transit, freight and passenger rail, waterways, as well as bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.
The Fiscal Year 2025-30 Proposed Highway and Multimodal Improvement Program[TG1] will invest $29.65 billion in state roads and bridges, with $5.3 billion identified for the current fiscal year. A total of $11.77 billion is programmed for other modes, which includes $7.5 billion for transit, $2.54 billion for freight and passenger rail, $1.57 billion for aviation, and $160 million for ports and waterways. Projects are across state and local transportation systems in all 102 counties in the state.
The record $41.42 billion multi-year program is due in part to engineering and planning efforts in the early years of Rebuild Illinois and the passage of the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, fueling increased construction activity. The previous record amount was $40.99 billion in 2023.
On the highways side, the program will build or improve 3,214 miles of roads and 8.8 million square feet of bridge deck on the state system, with anticipated funding maintaining 843 miles of roads and more than one million square feet of bridge deck overseen by local governments.
Governor Pritzker announced the new program in McCook to highlight a total $364 million investment in the Interstate 55 corridor in the Chicago area, including the rehabilitation of 49 bridges stretching from the Chinatown feeder ramps to Wolf Road. The centerpiece is the reconstruction of the Illinois 50 and Illinois 43 interchanges, with modifications and signal improvements to reduce congestion and increase accommodations for people who walk and bike.
“Under Governor Pritzker, we are making history rebuilding Illinois, strengthening our status as America’s transportation hub and leaving a positive impact that will last for generations,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman. “We look forward to putting people to work, striving to build the safest, most resilient and accessible system of transportation in the country.”
Passed in 2019, Rebuild Illinois is investing a total $33.2 billion into the state’s aging transportation system over six years, creating jobs and promoting economic growth. Rebuild Illinois is not only the largest capital program in state history, but also the first one that touches all modes of Illinois transportation: roads and bridges, transit, waterways, freight and passenger rail, aviation, and bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.
Through March 31, Rebuild Illinois has made possible approximately $14.8 billion of improvements statewide on 6,078 miles of highway, 629 bridges and 895 additional safety improvements.
“With these historic investments in the infrastructure that keeps people and goods flowing throughout our state, we’re making a commitment to keeping Illinois moving forward—literally,” said State Representative Marty Moylan (D-Des Plaines). “The 2025-2030 Multi-Year Program is just another example of our focus on developing our economy, attracting investment and energizing growth for generations to come.”
“It is imperative that we continue to invest in our transportation system – a vital resource for all communities across our state,” said State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago). “With these new investments, we are working to ensure that everyone has the ability to access health care services, economic opportunities, visit with loved ones and much more.”
“The Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council applauds Governor Pritzker’s multi-year plan investments,” said Kevin McLaughlin, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council. “These investments ensure years of work ahead for our members and infrastructure that’s built to last.”
“We are pleased to see important investments being made to build, improve, and maintain our state’s highways and multi-modal transportation systems,” remarked Tim Drea, IL AFL-CIO President. “Thank you, Governor Pritzker, for prioritizing this needed investment in our infrastructure to keep good, union jobs in Illinois that puts the safety of our communities first and ensures that the job will be done with the highest quality of union labor that benefits all Illinoisans.”
“Investment in infrastructure is one of our state’s most critical assets, and Illinois will remain a powerful economic leader while providing an increasingly better quality of life for our residents. Continuing our state’s commitment to creating jobs by investing in our roads, rails, ports and bridges is commitment to our economic future,” said Chicago Federation of Labor President Bob Reiter.
“Governor Pritzker understands the urgency of modernizing Illinois’ infrastructure, and we’re grateful for his continued leadership,” said LIUNA Chicago Laborers' District Council Business Manager James P. Connolly. “Laborers are eager for the opportunity to turn this record-breaking investment into reality for a stronger, more prosperous economy across our state.”
“IUOE, Local 150 applauds Governor Pritzker’s new IDOT Multi-Year Program. The $29 billion in highway improvements, including significant investment in the much-needed reconstruction of the I-290 corridor, will support Illinois’ continued efforts towards a safe and efficient transportation system,” said James M. Sweeney, IUOE Local 150 President-Business Manager. “Modernizing our infrastructure is crucial for creating jobs, reducing congestion, and building a stronger economy. Our members are ready to get to work, ensuring these projects are completed to the highest standards.”
"I want to thank Governor Pritzker for his unwavering commitment to rebuilding Illinois," said Ironworkers General Vice President James M. Gardiner. "This plan will ensure safer, more efficient infrastructure for all Illinoisans, driving economic growth and improving quality of life across our state."
“On behalf of the hardworking men and women of the Union building and construction trades, I want to express our sincere gratitude to Governor Pritzker for his leadership and support of our state's infrastructure workforce,” said Mike Macellaio, Chicago & Cook County Building & Construction Trades Council President. “We are proud to stand with the Governor in this endeavor.”
“SMART-TD commends Governor Pritzker and IDOT for their aggressive multi year plan that includes historic funding for both passenger and freight rail projects, allowing Illinois to continue to lead the Midwest in improving and expanding upon their successful intercity passenger rail program and creating and sustaining good middle class jobs,” said Robert W. Guy, State Director, SMART Transportation Division.
"Over the past five years, Illinois has led the way on infrastructure investment because of Governor Pritzker's historic Rebuild Illinois program," said Tim Butler, President of the Illinois Railroad Association, "which has ensured Illinois remains the railroad transportation hub of our continent. Our railroads are the greenest way to ship product overland. Investing our state's capital dollars in rail projects makes great sense for not only our economy, but for our environment. Whether it is the CREATE program in Chicago, the Springfield Rail Improvements Project, or expanding passenger rail to Rockford, investing in our railroads is money well spent and we thank the Governor and the Legislature for their leadership."
“The infrastructure on our roads has been improved since the beginning of the Rebuild Illinois Program,” said McCook Mayor Terry Carr. “These changes helped our community and the surrounding communities, and we look forward to further enhancements as well as the construction jobs that are being created for our residents. In the long run, I’m confident our infrastructure will be improved to benefit all.”