Gov. Pritzker Takes Bill Action
March 21, 2025

Today, Governor JB Pritzker took the following bill action:
Bill Number: HB0297
Description: Allows educational employees in Chicago who are forbidden from striking to submit collective bargaining negotiation disputes through a specified mandatory arbitration procedure.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2026
Bill Number: HB0817
Description: Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to acquire and repair property on behalf of the Illinois State Treasurer. Makes technical changes to the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB2474
Description: Protects nursing home residents from retaliation should they file complaints, seek assistance, or participate in investigations, among other actions.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2026
Bill Number: HB2547
Description: Would establish the Warehouse Worker Protection Act, requiring warehouse employers to disclose quotas to workers upon hire.
Action: Vetoed. The bill is vetoed because it presents legal and operation issues. The definition of who is covered by the law is unclear, there is no procedure to ensure due process in the enforcement of the provisions, and while the bill calls for civil penalties and damages, it does not set out a clear, comprehensive scheme for these penalties or damages.
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB4224
Description: Amends the Property Tax Code to exempt parking lots of non-profit educational trade schools from the property tax code, amends the Election Code, Community Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, the Counties Code, and the Community Mental Health Act to validate certain tax levies for community mental health boards, and amends the Property Tax Code to allow a county clerk to retroactively abate property taxes from 2023 to a certain property.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB4410
Description: Ensures that law enforcement agencies across Illinois are in compliance with state law when investigating individuals engaged in the sex worker industry.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1, 2025
Bill Number: HB4412
Description: Provides that a childcare, facility, day care center, day care home, or group day care home may authorize a third-party vendor to complete a background check investigation.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2026
Bill Number: HB4439
Description: Designates the soybean as the official State bean of the State of Illinois.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2026
Bill Number: HB4828
Description: Requires the Illinois Department of Corrections to publish quarterly reports on their website detailing the general trends in the use of their restrictive housing units.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: HB4907
Description: Makes a technical fix to the calculation in statute for nursing home staffing incentive payments, and increases the population threshold for a county that has a hospital seeking to merge licenses with another in-system hospital in an adjacent county.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB0457
Description: Allows ISBE to procure religious meal options for school districts who wish to buy from the ISBE contract.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB0727
Description: Creates the Safe Public Drinking Water Act to set a timeline for adopting federal PFAS standards for drinking water and require sampling of certain community water supplies for 1,4-Dioxane.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2026
Bill Number: SB0867
Description: Authorizes a land transfer of Shabbona Lake State Park in DeKalb County to the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB0899
Description: Authorizes the Department of Transportation to restrict vehicle length on its roadways as it deems appropriate.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2026
Bill Number: SB0952
Description: Grants the transfer of property to the Village of Deer Park for potable water transmission use.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB2655
Description: Reconciles inconsistencies between the operation of in-car video recording equipment and the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act pertaining to Illinois State Police vehicles and closes a loophole as it relates to child pornography laws.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately
Bill Number: SB3180
Description: Provides that an employer is in violation of the One Day Rest in Seven Act if they retaliate against an employee for exercising their rights under the Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately